2025 Fees from the Israel Patent Office (ILPO)*
Category |
Fee in ILS |
Approximate fee in USD |
Official Israel Patent filing fees |
New patent or PCT national phase application fee |
2344 |
646 |
Fee for each additional claim over 50 |
601 |
166 |
Fee for every additional 50 pages above 101 description pages (sequence listings are not considered) |
293 |
81 |
Accelerated examination |
Filing and accelerated examination fees submitted by the applicant |
1163 |
320 |
Filing and accelerated examination fees submitted by a third party |
17433 |
4802 |
Extensions and Grant |
Monthly extension fees |
234 |
64 |
Grant fees following Notice of Intention to Grant |
820 |
226 |
Patent Register Corrections |
Recording a change in the patent register |
273 |
75 |
for correction of a clerical error in a published specification |
273 |
75 |
Filing of a revised document that causes the date of application to be rejected under section 23 of the Act |
273 |
75 |
Request to amend specification under sections 29 or 65 of the law |
820 |
226 |
Patent Renewals |
Renewal of a patent for 6 years from the submission of the patent application, wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of 3 months from the date of grant of the patent |
937 |
258 |
Renewal of a patent for a following 4 years (7-10), wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of the 6th year from the submission of the patent application |
1875 |
517 |
Renewal before the end of the 10th year from the date of application for the next 4 years (years 11-14) |
2812 |
775 |
Renewal before the end of the 14th year from the date of application for the next 4 years (years 15-18) |
4687 |
1291 |
Renewal before the end of the 18th year from the date of application for the next two years (19-20) |
6562 |
1808 |
Renewal for the entire patent period (20 years from filing date) |
14061 |
3874 |
Patent Opposition & Cancellation & Reinstatement |
Fee for requesting a hearing before the Registrar |
820 |
226 |
Fee for request to oppose a grant of a patent |
2344 |
646 |
Fee for reinstating a patent |
820 |
226 |
Patent term extensions |
Extending a patent term – application fee |
1266 |
349 |
Request of extension of a patent term for a further year |
3399 |
936 |
Request of extension of a patent for a second year, wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of the first extension year |
4079 |
1124 |
Request of extension of a patent for a third year, wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of the second extension year |
4895 |
1348 |
Request of extension of a patent for a fourth year, wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of the third extension year |
5873 |
1618 |
Request of extension of a patent for a fifth year, wherein the fee is paid before the expiry of the fourth extension year |
7048 |
1942 |
Cancellation of patent term extension |
4688 |
1291 |
Request to oppose an extension of a patent term |
2344 |
646 |
Official Israel Trademark Fees
Fee in ILS |
Approximate fee in USD |
Israel Trademark application fees |
Application fee, per one class |
1858 |
512 |
Application fee for every additional class in the same application |
1397 |
385 |
Application for immediate examination, for every class |
872 |
240 |
International (Madrid) trademark applications |
Filing an application for international registration |
611 |
168 |
Fees for subsequent designation |
611 |
168 |
Renewal of international registration validity |
611 |
168 |
Trademark Renewal fees |
Renewal fee |
3311 |
912 |
Renewal fee for every additional class in the same application |
2794 |
770 |
Trademark Extension fees |
Filing request for extension of time per month or part thereof |
84 |
23 |
Trademark Accelerated Examination |
Application for accelerated examination, for each class |
872 |
240 |
Trademark Opposition & Hearing & Reinstatment |
Notice of opposition, correction of register or request for cancellation of mark for each class |
936 |
258 |
Official fee to request a hearing pursuant to sections 24 (f), 29, 41 (b) of the Ordinance or pursuant to Regulation 73 and item 3 of the first supplement of Trademarks Regulations 1940 |
872 |
240 |
Official fee to request a hearing pursuant to Regulations 24 or 25 and pursuant to item 11 of the first supplement of Trademarks Regulation 1940 |
559 |
154 |
Official restoration fee for each class |
1285 |
168 |
Trademark Register Corrections |
Change of record in Trademark registry |
363 |
100 |
Trademark Renewals |
Renewal of a trademark registration |
3311 |
912 |
Renewal for other classes under the same trademark |
2794 |
770 |
Official Israel Design Fees |
Fee in ILS |
Approximate fee in USD |
Application fee |
460 |
127 |
Submitting an application for registration of a system-type design of items, for each system |
690 |
190 |
Accelerated Examination, for each Design |
287 |
79 |
Official fee for a request to specify a designer's name, for each design |
172 |
47 |
Renewals years 5-10 |
575 |
158 |
Renewals years 11-15 |
690 |
190 |
Renewals years 16-20 |
805 |
222 |
Renewals years 21-25 |
920 |
253 |
Renewal fees for the entire period |
3449 |
950 |
For recording a change in the register |
632 |
174 |
Please note that the USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rates as of January 1, 2025, and are subject to change.
These fees reflect only the official ILPO charges and do not include any patent attorney or paralegal fees associated with the listed services. For a detailed proposal regarding any patent application, prosecution, or renewal in Israel, please contact us.
While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, some errors may occasionally appear in the table above, and we cannot be held responsible for any loss resulting from such inadvertent mistakes.
The actual fees quoted will always take precedence over those listed on this page.